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Fashion Personal

My Dream 🌈🌠

June 12, 2015

I grew up living in a dress shop. Everyday I can hear the roaring noise of the sewing machines. Fabric scraps all over the floor. And also the different colors of threads arranged in a cabinet. This made discover my love and dream for fashion. However, this love is not that easy. A career in fashion is like putting a thread inside the hole of the needle. The chances for you to be successful are very low.

drawHere are some of my designs. I am not that good in drawing so Fashionary is a great tool for beginners like me. It can be used for quick sketches if you have a design just appeared in your mind.

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Food Lifestyle Personal

A Sweet Treat!

May 10, 2015


pic-4-2Last May 8, 2015, we celebrated the 1st anniversary of our spa business. As a treat to my clients, I decided to bake some cookies and give it to them for free! So the day before the anniversary, I searched for some recipes at (Thanks google! You make our lives so much easier. ). Yes, I don’t know how to bake and cook either. It is my frustration to be able to bake cookies and other sweet treats. Well, there is still time to learn someday.

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Hello World!

April 20, 2015

Hello, hello, hello world!

Here I am again, starting a new blog the second time around. Blogging has always been my dream. However, before I am so lost. I don’t know what to post in it. So most of my post back then were rubbish, nonsense and more about random stuff. Now, I have decided to blog about my love for fashion, future travel posts, and some cute/kawaii things. And oh, please follow me on my Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter account.

I hope you’ll support me with this dream. So tune in for my future posts ! 🙂


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