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Fashion Food Lifestyle Travel Diary

Farm girl goes to Bemwa Farm

January 2, 2016


(Thrift dress, Thrift bag, Primadonna platform shoes)
Hype this look on lookbook here.

Heey! I have been on hiatus for a couple of months because of work. I really missed blogging so much. But hey, I’m back once again!
Recently, Me, my mom with her friend visited a farm somewhere Buda, Bukidnon. We bought some lettuce, strawberries and potted herbs. My inner vegan side began to unleash.

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DIY Food Lifestyle

DIY: Mixed Berry Smoothie

June 27, 2015

mixed berry smoothie

Its D.I.Y. Time!! Yey! I really love do it yourself stuffs. I always having fun and feel happy when making stuffs. Even though, sometimes my works are failures. Its always like expectations vs. reality moment for me if I can’t achieve my desired result. Well, its the effort that counts? yes?

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